Hello guys, today i will list many iPhone 5′s defects and drawbacks , this article will actually help you while buying a new handset and also to compare iPhone with other popular handset’s and it will also make you prudent why not to buy an iPhone 5 . Below i have listed some glitches faced by some early adopters of iPhone 5.
1) Battery life worse’er than before.
I know this might sound strange because people usually expect things to be better on the latest iDevice but here things are totally opposite, iPhone 5 have a worser battery life when compared to Apple’s previous iDevice that is iPhone 4S.
2) iPhone 5′s body relatively sensitive then before.
This may sound also sound shocking to you, but unfortunately it’s a fact. iPhone 5′s anodized aluminum case is very sensitive, and hence it gets easy scratched.
So if you are looking for a new handset and thought to choose a iPhone 5 then note this point very seriously because you should be a very , very careful to maintain an iPhone 5
3) iPhone 5′s overheating issues.
Well this is not so astonishing because its a common issue in the most of the popular gadgets in present day’s generation, yet this wasn’t expected from Apple in its latest iPhone.
As per majority complaints, iPhone 5 get’s quickly overheated while using services like browsing or surfing the web through Edge/3G/4G internet connection.
4) iPhone 5′s Wi-Fi connectivity issues.
I am sure this issue would be the most annoying one to you, iPhone 5 have some software issues which are causing connectivity problems to Wifi networks secured with WPA2 or higher encryption’s,as per reports there is easy connectivity to some networks which are secured with low encryption’s like WEP. As per reports ,Apple is well known of this bug , yet there was no fixes made so far .
5) You cannot trust Apple’s iOS security.

Well as per reports and PoC’s (Proof of the Concepts) iOS (basically iPhone Operating System) is vulnerable to critical security flaws like bypassing lock screen.
Anyone can access your personal data even though its pass-code protected .
Lately Apple was known for its unbreakable trust on it’s security because it provided facilities like,
Remote lock,Encrypted Backups,Cloud Backup storage,No external data interference etc
But after this newly disclosed vulnerabilities you cannot trust Apple anymore.
Apple’s iOS 6.1 was vulnerable to lock screen bypass, then Apple
fixed that issue and released iOS 6.1.1 and later iOS 6.1.2 , unfortunately this both were also vulnerable to lock screen bypass, later Apple said it has patched all the critical bugs in its new iOS 6.1.3 after a couple of weeks some individual security researchers disclosed another lock-screen bypass vulnerability in iOS 6.1.3 as well as iOS 7 beta version
After this not even a moron will again trust Apple, upon security.
6) Purple glare on photos.

This is disappointing because the most adorable thing in an iPhone was its camera but lately majority people have reported that iPhone 5′s camera is showing a purple colour glare when used in strong light source like heavy sun light or something similar to it!
7) No proper fixes for Apple maps.

Apple faced millions of complaints related to Apple maps which were introduced in iOS 5,the company stated that they were working upon the fixes still they were no fixes shown in iOS 6 as well as the iOS 7 beta.
8) Additional issues.

Apart from the issues stated above, there were millions of individual issues like manufacturing of defective pieces including unboxing of scratched iPhone’s also rattling sounds from iPhone & light leakage from the edges of iPhone, this is actually very ridiculous, though Apple exchanges the defective iPhones (if submitted to iStore within warranty period) still it leaves the bad impression of the company on the user.
Obviously Apple will replace your iPhone 5 to a new one if you report this glitches to the Apple Store, however if your not concerned you may be able to
live with those glitches, most of the people have shifted to Android smart phone after facing iPhone’s defects.
Apple may release solutions for this glitches to restore back its glory, if you have faced any additional issue with your iPhone , let us know them in the comments section below.
Thank you for reading this post, hope this article may have been helpful to you.