Many times you feel very happy when some advertiser contacts you for hosting a giveaway on your blog. But you might not be knowing that there are few websites which connect both Publishers and Advertisers for organizing Giveaways. And the best thing is that the Publishers (Bloggers) can make money by hosting a giveaway on their blog. One such site is
Steps to Get Started with Giveaway.Ly
- Go to Giveaway.Ly
- Signup as a Blogger/Publisher.
- Then you have to verify your site and add your traffic stats and geo locations.
- You can also set the minimum price for a sponsored giveaway on your blog.
Some Tips to Attract Good Number of Advertisers:
- Verify your Stats with Google Analytics.
- Keep the price as minimum as possible.
- Be polite, gentle and act fast.
- Give a cachy description to your blog.