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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Top 5 Inspiring Windows 7 Themes

1st of all you need to install rainmeter on your computer, for installing these themes, rainmeter is best desktop customization software, download rainmeter from here, these themes are Made for windows 7, but you can use it on windows xp too.

1-  BlueVision Alpha
Blue vision aplha v2.0 is one of the best rainmeter skins, you'll Get lot of attractive widgets in this theme, you can make it more awesome by changing background.
blue+vision+alpha.jpg (1167×647) 

2- Jarvis (iRon Man Skin)
Jarvis is a Iron main inspired rainmeter skin, you can convert into hackers theme using new widgets and changing background image,Jarvis skin's centrel interface is damn cool.

3-Tron Legacy ( 3D desktop )

4- Alien 3d Rainmeter Skin
alien 3d is amazing skin, it will give a 3d Look to your desktop

5- Blue HDD

Experiment : You can Make your desktop more amazing and awesome, by merging all skins's widgets/pulgins together , take a look, i've made it with blue vision alpha and jarvis

How To Install These Themes :

There are two ways to install
Rainmeter skins which are
Automatically and Manually. If
you have a Rainmeter skin with
extension .rmskin then you
automatically install the skins
with double click. Again you have
a skin with extension
like .zip/.rar/.7z archive then you
have unzip the skin archive put
the unzipped files into the
Rainmeter skin folder. Here I’m
going to show the two ways to
install Rainmeter skins.
Install Rainmeter Skins
You can easily install a Rainmeter
skin automatically if it comes
with extension .rmskin.
The .rmskin is a skin format of
Rainmeter skin packager.
The .rmskin skin extension is
associated with Rainmeter skin
installer so, when you double
the skin it get installed
Generally a Rainmeter skin
with .rmskin extension may
contain different components if
the author of the skin associate
those components. These
components may include Skins,
Layouts, Plugins, Fonts, Addons
and so on.
Install Rainmeter Skins
Rainmeter skins which comes in
a archive with extension like
.zip/.rar/.7z and other. To install
these types of skins you have to
unzip the skin archive. To extract
the skin archive you must have a
archive extractor installed on
your computer. You can use
Winrar, 7-Zip or other software
to extract the skin archive. After
extracting the skin archive copy
the extracted folder paste into
the Rainmeter skin directory. You
access Rainmeter skin directory
following the path below:
Windows 7: C:
meterSkins Windows XP:
C:Documents and
Finally, right-click the Rainmeter
icon from the notification area
and select Refresh all. The new
skins you installed will now be
available to load from the
Manage window or context

How To Learn Hacking Online

Today I Will Give You Some Website From Which You Can Learn Hacking Online :D !!

1. Hackforums -- Hacking and Market place

The no. 1 hackers communities with 225,405 memeber with 1,514,999 threads. where you can even learn computing, coding, Gaming, Graphics, in Market place you can buy code or can sell your own code of apps, games, tools, software anything. i recommend you this website to learn hacking and also you'll able to find many real hackers there from all over the world.

2. EvilZone -- Hacking and Warez 

It is the second largest Hacking communities and warez fourm with 6,500 members with active 100,000 post ( old statistics ), likely this forums is very active and help you in any coding help, but be care full with "noob" they can't handle and misguide you so always check reputation, position of members.

3. Hack-a-Day

this website has no competition in amazing information for anyone who is looking for specific categories like gadget, cellphone, GPS devices, digital cameras, you'll find all categories in right column. Unlike then other websites hack-a-day is more likely based on hardware. it's dedicated to new, amazing innovation in physical hacking with gadget old hardware in your warehouses.

4. Hack in the Box

If any website which help you to learn How to hack, this would be hack in the box, hack in the box is more about security and ethical hacking, it provide classes and conference , you can subscribe HITB magazine or HITB news from there main website, HITB has 14669 members with  active 13879 topic and more interesting to learn how to hack 

5 - Hack this site 

Hack this site is coolest website ever for free programmer training site where you can learn how to hack by accepting the different challenges, unlike then other website, hack this site provide you different level of hacking challenges where you can check your level, it is a kind of honeypot type of website.
Hacking level are like mission design by this site designer, you need to carefully read & studies all the articles on this site and you have to find out the vulnerabilities of a site and attempts to use your new founded hacking skills to hack web page. missions include basic Realistic, application, programming. I'm sure you'll be earn tittle of professional hackers if you're able to figure out how to properly hack the most difficult missions on this site.