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Saturday, June 8, 2013

How to Hide Text In Image File

Hi Guys. Today we will see how to hide Text Message in any image file.
This is an awesome trick and very easy one too. IF you wish to send a text messega to you friends privately or you yourself want to hide a text message in image file then this article will help you a lot.

After hiding the message in a image file there will be no damage to the file just the size of the file will increase a bit.

So lets check how it is done.

First of all open run and type cmd., click enter. This will open Command promt.
Now you have to navigate to the folder where you have copied the files(1 .jpg file and 1 txt file which contains your message.)

For example, if your files are in "D" drive, then after opening cmd, type, D: and hit enter, now you are in your d drive, now if your folder name is Photos then type "cd photos"  (without quotes) now you are in photos folder.

Now main step. Type this command after navigating to the folder.

copy /b imagefilename.jpg + textfilename.txt outputimagename.jpg

Type the exact code, but dont forgot to replace the few words, imagefilename.jpg with your image file name and with proper extension, textfilename.txt with your text file, outputimagename.jpg your output image name, use whatever you want, but remember to use right extension.All done by now your message has been hiden in you image and a new folder will be created in the same folder with the name you wrote in place of outputimagename.jpg.

As everything is done by now. you must be thinking how to view the message now.
dont worry we will see that too. its very simple .
You just have to open the output file with notepad, scroll down to the bottom. check the last line.
you message will be displayed there.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Trick to Increase Your Internet SPeed Manually.

1) Optimize your computer's bandwidth settings by using the Windows Group Policy Editor (GPedit). Go to the start menu and click "run". Type "gpedit.msc" and press "enter." On the left side of the screen, click on "administrative templates" and select "network."
 Next, click on "QoS packet scheduler" and then click on "limit reservable bandwidth." Next, change the options to "enabled" and change the bandwidth limit to zero percent. This will increase your Internet speed by 20 percent.

2) Reset the Windows network sockets. An operating system uses network sockets to send information through a network. However, these network sockets can become overloaded over time. 
To reset the network sockets, go to "run" and type "cmd" to execute the command and prompt program. Now type "netsh winsock reset" and press "enter." To finish the task, restart your computer.

3)Increase the speed of Internet Explorer. Open the command and prompt program, type "regsvr32 actxprxy" and press "enter." This will increase the speed of Internet Explorer by about 10 percent.

4)Open your default Internet browser, and surf the web to test the new performance of your Internet connection.