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Sunday, June 2, 2013


how to use Any SIM card in any MODEM withou unlocking it.
As you must be knowing that we cannot use any simcard in any modem unless you unlock the modem. but in this article we will see how to use Any SIM in any MODEM without unlocking it.
You will need Nokia PC suite for this Trick.
So Download nokia pc suite from HERE
follow the below steps:
  1. Insert the sim card in the modem which you want to and connect it to your PC.
  2. IT will show you invalid sim, but dont worry just ignore that message and open Nokia PC suite.
  3. You will find connect to internet option in Pc suite, click on it.
  4. Now you have to configure so select configure, select your data card modem and do all operator apn setting which you use in nokia mobile connection.
  5. Finally finish the setup and connect to internet  through PC suite.
  6. Now your net is connected without unlocking.

Convert Any text To Audio without any Software.

Step 1. First of all Open notepad then copy the below text and paste it in notepad.

Dim msg, sapi
your text for conversion–","Bycomputerstricksntips
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg

Step 2: After Pasting the Above Code in notepad, Save the file with the name Text To Audio.vbs.
remember the name of the file should be with .vbs extension.
its nothing but a Vbscript File.

Step 3: Now double click on the saved file and you will see a box like the below pic.

Step 4. Type your text which you want to hear, and then press OK. Thats it. All Done.
You can hear it load and clear.