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Monday, June 27, 2016

Best Wordpress Hosting

Wordpress Hosting

So you started blogging on WordPress our of passion & like million others you started your journey with entry-level shared hosting. Now your blog is getting great traffic & it’s becoming a source of your bread butter, just like mine.
One fine day, your existing hosting company emails you to “Buzz off” as they can’t handle your website load. In most of the cases, a non-technical blogger would feel dishearten, dissatisfied & helpless. 
If your answer is “No”, then you are probably already on a hosting company that can handle high traffic site or you are yet to experience the sweet taste of millions of page views.  This guide or call it your resource for hosting selection will help you to pick the hosting for your growing or overgrown site.
Another aspect that limits the growth of a WordPress blog is the use of plugins. WordPress can be great when you are utilizing the plugins. You will often see many WordPress users recommending you to limit the number of WordPress plugins as it would affect the loading time of your site. This is partially correct & happens when you are using a badly coded plugin.
The reason you can’t make most out of plugins is the technology limitations of your hosting. If you are on a shared hosting, you might have experienced it at least once. Haven’t you?
The right question that you should be asking right now is:
What is limiting your blog growth at this point?
Is it the technology or your fear of growing big?
If it’s the technology, then you have little to worry about. As in today’s date hosting companies have understood the need of time & we have few great options for hosting high traffic WordPress site
Today I will be sharing a list of those awesome WordPress hosting companies that are built to handle high-traffic sites. They are not going to be as cheap as shared hosting companies which typically comes in the range of $3-$10/month. But these awesome companies would ensure your blog can handle the growth that you are anticipating.

WordPress Hosting companies for high-traffic sites:

Let’s have a look at those hosting companies that you can trust for your growing WordPress blog.
Kinsta Managed Hosting:
Kinsta hosting is top in the managed WordPress hosting as they build specially for hosting heavy WordPress sites. If you like technical details, they use Nginx, HHVM, PHP5-FPM, Redis and Memcache to make your site blazing fast. I have experienced loading time of less than 1 second 

My experience with them is great so far, and their tech support is par excellent. Their entry level hosting plan starts with $100/month which let you host 1 WordPress sites.Enterprises should look at their Load balanced plans which start with $870/month which ensures your website never go down. 
Kinsta Pricing
What you would like the most is their excellent customer support. Last time (In May 2016), when my site shifted to PHP7 on Kinsta Google cloud platform, I faced a lot of issues because of using many old plugins. Their team including CEO ‘Mark Gavalda‘ helped me at every point to fix all the issues. I have never had such a royal experiencewith any other WordPress hosting.
If you are looking for the best solution for your growing WordPress blog, you should host it on Kinsta Hosting

  • Unlimited visits.
  • Pricing is competitive & service quality is excellent.
  • 10 server location
  • SSD storage
  • Free Website backup
  • Staging & Free SSL
  • Limited use of Javascript.
After running ShoutMeLoud on Kinsta hosting for last one year, I could say it’s a top notch solution for heavy traffic WordPress blog.

Another top hosting option for high-traffic WordPress blogs. They also allow unlimited visits & their service quality & hardware offering is top-notch. The good thing about them is, they are affordable for entry-level bloggers to who have the limited budget.
pagely technology
You can pick the right plan for you from their seven different plans. Do notice the bandwidth column when picking up Pagely plans or you can always add additional bandwidth any day of the month.
  • WordPress multi-site support
  • Free-site migration of 2 sites

Cloudways hosting
Before moving to Kinsta hosting, I was with Cloudways for 4 months & they were pretty good with their offering. You can host your site on DigitalOcean server (DO) or Amazon. They provide custom dashboard which makes it easier for you to install a new WordPress site, or you can migrate all your existing WordPress Blogs. One of the best thing about them is that you can host any Website using Cloudways & they are not only limited to WordPress. This also creates an issue with the support, as they are fine-tuned for all the platform.
If you have basic knowledge of troubleshooting WordPress, I would suggest go for Cloudways. The major benefit which you would be getting here is the pricing which comes down to a cheaper price. You can also consider hosting your entry level WordPress site with them, as their most reasonable plan comes for $10/month.
In short, you will be hosting your WordPress site on a Cloud server with no requirement for technical knowledge.
  • Host on DigitalOcean server.
  • Their dashboard is user-friendly.
  • Perfect for entry level as well as enterprise level websites
  • Scale up or down a server in real-time.
  • Pricing is cheap & you can customize your hardware requirement.
  • Offers 14 days free trial & free site migration.
  • Support is average.
  • Too many options could be overwhelming.

More quality WP hosting options but with limited visits:

After all, the reason you are buying a premium hosting to handle the high-traffic. Is int it?
This holds true when we think from a blogger perspective. Now, WordPress is not limited to blogging & many businesses have their blog, job portal & many other use cases for WordPress. In many cases, the traffic requirement is less and requirement of rock-solid infrastructure is more.
If you need an enterprise-grade architecture for your WordPress site, here are some of the best options. Do pick their plan according to your monthly traffic requirement.
  • WPEngine (recommended for traffic not more than 400,000 Views/Month)
  • Presslabs
  • Pressidium
By the end always remember, there can never be a single recommendation as once your site is matured for having a premium hosting, you need to consider factors like Pricing, features, scalability, support to pick the right hosting.

1 comment:

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  1. Wonderful illustrated information. I thank you about that. No doubt it will be very useful for my future projects. Would like to see some other posts on the same subject! A2 Hosting review

