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Thursday, July 18, 2013

How To Increase The Speed Of Mobile Broadband If 2g Sim Is Inserted

Details :
Connection (mine) : Vodafone Mobile Broadband.
SIM : Simple 2g Sim Inserted.
Speed (before applying the tricl) :- 1.5 mpbs
So, if you have the problem of slow speed of your mobile broadband,
then you have to follow a short steps....
So, first of all download "DNS Benchmark" from this link :www.grc.com/dns/benchmark.htm
2. Open the utility then just give to load the program.
3. When the load is complete, click on "NameServers" Tab.
4. Give it to load.
5. When the load is complete, click on "Run Benchmark", and give to complete the progess bar.
6. Now you will get many dns servers.
7. Now select two servers from there... If the blue and green bars are more then they are speedy servers.
8. Select two servers and copy the IP ( right click on selected ip then click on Copy name server ip )
Now its time to enter the two DNS Servers.....
1. Copy the two IP's.
2. Go to Control Panel.
3. Click on "Network And Internet"
4. Click on "Network and sharing center"
5. Click On Your Network (mine is mobile broadband connection two)
6. Click On Properties
7. Click On Internet Proctol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
8. Click On Use The Following DNS Addressed.
9. Now Paste The Copied IP In there Orderly....

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