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Sunday, July 28, 2013

How to Convert Any Picture Into a Facebook chat Smiley

Facebook growth is going to high day by day. Now a days all students have facebook account. Facebook is used to share our thoughts, chat with friends. Some website & blog founders wants to create the facebook fan pages to get high traffic to their web pages. In our previous post we see about How to Download Facebook Photo Album In a Single Click.

Chat is doing a main role Facebook. Because all of them like to chat with their friends. Facebook gives chat for free of cost. Also it have some cool features in it. Chat smilies and emotions is give pictorial feel to your friend. But we can able to make any picture into a facebook chat smiley. Lets see how it is...??


  • Click on choose file. Then choose the picture from your computer. After choosing the file click on upload now.

  • It will take few seconds to convert your picture into a chat code. 

  • Then you will get a code. Copy the code and paste it in the facebook chat box.

That's it now you will create your picture as a chat smiley. You can choose any files and make it as a smiley.

How to Open Browsers in Private Browsing Mode.

Private Browsing Prevents your Browser From Saving, Search Results, Browsing History, Cookies and Other Private data .
Today we will see How to Enable Private Browsing In following Browsers Every time You start it.
  1. Google Chrome
  2. Mozilla Firefox
  3. Internet explorer

Private Browsing in Google Chrome.

Google Chrome is liked by most of us and also Used by Most of us.
To enable Private Browsing in Chrome just follow the below simple Steps.

Step 1: In Google Chrome we need to Activate Incognito Mode By default On Start.
Right Click on the Google Chrome Short cut which you use to Launch Google Chrome , either on Desktop, Taskbar or Start menu and Select Properties.

For Taskbar: Right Click on the Chrome icon then right click on Google chrome the click on Properties.

Step 2: Now Click on Shortcut Tab and Add " Space character, a dash and the Word incognito  then Click on OK.

Thats it Now on Google Chrome Will start In Incognito Mode next time you launch Chrome from that Shrotcut.

Private Browser in Firefox.

Private Browsing in Firefox is easy as it provides the option.

Step 1: Click on Firefox Menu Button and then Select Option >Option
Now click the Privacy Icon  and Select " Never Remember History " a dialogue box will appear saying Firefox must restart to enable this Feature, Click on OK.

Now on Firefox will never Remember your Browsing History.

Private Browsing in Internet Explorer.
Procedure For Private Browsing In Internet explorer is Almost Same As in Google Chrome.

Step 1:  Right click on Internet Explorer Icon in taskbar then again Right Click on Internet Explorer and Click on Properties.

Step 2: Now Click on Shortcut Tab and Add " Space character, a dash and the Word private, then Click on OK

Thats it Internet Explorer Will open In private Browsing Moden next time you Launch Internet Explorer Via that Shortucut.

How To Send Friend Request On Facebook When Blocked For 30 Days

How To Send Friend Request on Facebook When Blocked for 30 Days 
Facebook don't makes it easy for us to add unknown people as our friends. You may have experienced a stage at least one time in your FB account showing a popup message that your friend request has been blocked for 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 15 days or even 30 days. At that time you can't send out friend request on Facebook to anybody no matter if you know that person or not you been banned to send request for a particular time period. This is due to Facebook guidelines which don't allow us to send friend request to strangers because it considers it as spam, for that reason facebook temporarily turned off your sending friend request option. This is usually done to protect personal privacy of peoples, quite a few people use to add unknown people as their friends and  make misuse of their profile. Here we will give you some trick not to get banned from sending friend request on facebook and some guidelines to keep your account not disable.
Facbook Add Personal Contacts as Friends

1.Get the person's email address first .
3.Here you can send friend request even if your are blocked by using their email address.
4.If you want to send friend request to lot's of friends here is an quick and easy way to do this.
5.Open up a new notepad file, paste all your friends email separated by comma (,)
6.Save the notepad file with the extension .vcf
7.This is your list of your contact files containing your friends email address.
8.Go to Add Personal Contacts as Friends click on the last option other tools there you can find upload contact file.
9.Browse your .vcf file and upload to the facebook.
10.It will send friend request to your friend's by email and facebook.

Trick to Convert Videos With VLC Media Player.

First Of all If you Dont have VLC media Player then you can easily Download it from Thier Official Website.

Step 1:  Open VLC , Click on MEDIA > Convert/Save Or Press Ctrl+R . You will see A window like Below Pic.

Step 2: Now Click on ADD Button and Browse the File That you want to Convert.

Step 3: Click on Convert/Save Button. it will take you to the Final step and you Will see a Window like Below Pic. 

Step 3: Now You Have to Select Destination File, to do So just Click on Browse and Select where you want to save the File after Conversion.

Step 4: Do the Settings According to your Need and Click on Start. Just wait while it Converts. Main Benefit Is that you Dont require Any other Software to Convert videos and it is Convinient To Use VLC to Convert Any Video.

How To Hide Last Seen/Online Status Features In Whatsapp :

1. First of all, you need to Open whatsapp app in your iPhone.

2. Go to whatsapp Settings.

3. Now go Chat Settings > Advanced > Last Seen Timestamp Off
4. Now this feature take 24 hours to effect, also take 24 hours to toogle it back. After that no one trace your  last seen time. If you are online that it appear as Online.

5. Now if want to hide Online Status, follow simple steps
When you open whatsapp your online time is saved by app, and it appears your whatsapp profile to your friends or other user account, So basically you need to do following,

->    First you want to Disable your Data or any other internet connaction
->   Now Open whatsapp app and read message.
->    Now Exit whasapp app completely
->    Enable your Data or any other internet connection.

how to use pendrive as a ram

Insert your pen-drive. Let your PC read it.(Minimum 2 GB)

Right click on My Computer.Click on Properties from context menu.Click on Advanced tab.Click on Settings under Performance.Click on Advanced tab.Click on Change button under Virtual memory.Select your USB drive.Click on custom size radio button and give the values as follows;Initial Size:1020Maximum size:1020The size depends upon your free memory capacity of your pen drive. So you can change this limit according to your pen drive size.Click on Set button, then click on OK.Now you have to restart the computer. The speed of your computer will be increase

For Windows 7

Plug in your pendrive-> Format with NTFS or FAT32Now go to properties->Sel ect ReadyBoostCheck Use this device->Choose maximum space to reserve system speedClick on Apply and OK. Your readyboost PenDrive is ready Now to Use.Here is an personal suggestion HP and Sandisk is the Best for this work so what are you waiting for.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

How To Download Facebook Videos Without Usiny Any Third Party Software

Trick 1 :

First of all install this chrome extension on your browser Click Here.

  • After the installation of Chrome extension, Click on any Facebook video and open it in a new tab 
Example: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=421168804621097
Then you will see Facebook icon your chrome tool bar Click on it. [ Click on SD Download/ HD Download]
  •  It will start downloading...

Trick 2 :

1. Grab the link Of Dat Video. To get the link to a Facebook video, right-click on the name of the video and select Copy link address or Copy link location

2. Go to Facebook Video Down. This site is very simple and straightforward, and lets you pull in any Facebook-hosted video, where you can share it back to Facebook, tweet it, embed it in your blog or website, or download it. Like YouTube, it even has a provision for making comments. Link :

3. Paste the URL. At the top of the page, click in the Enter the video link field, and paste the link URL into that field.

4.Click Download. A link to the video you selected as well as a new button will appear below.

5. Save the video. Right-click Download this Video and select Save As. This will open a dialog box asking you where you’d like to save the mp4.

6. Choose a download name and location and click Save

How To Increase The Speed Of Mobile Broadband If 2g Sim Is Inserted

Details :
Connection (mine) : Vodafone Mobile Broadband.
SIM : Simple 2g Sim Inserted.
Speed (before applying the tricl) :- 1.5 mpbs
So, if you have the problem of slow speed of your mobile broadband,
then you have to follow a short steps....
So, first of all download "DNS Benchmark" from this link :www.grc.com/dns/benchmark.htm
2. Open the utility then just give to load the program.
3. When the load is complete, click on "NameServers" Tab.
4. Give it to load.
5. When the load is complete, click on "Run Benchmark", and give to complete the progess bar.
6. Now you will get many dns servers.
7. Now select two servers from there... If the blue and green bars are more then they are speedy servers.
8. Select two servers and copy the IP ( right click on selected ip then click on Copy name server ip )
Now its time to enter the two DNS Servers.....
1. Copy the two IP's.
2. Go to Control Panel.
3. Click on "Network And Internet"
4. Click on "Network and sharing center"
5. Click On Your Network (mine is mobile broadband connection two)
6. Click On Properties
7. Click On Internet Proctol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
8. Click On Use The Following DNS Addressed.
9. Now Paste The Copied IP In there Orderly....


what is my ip

THis tool will give you every detail about the IP address .. and some of those details are : 

Country Code
Currency Code
Region Code
City Code
Is Proxy
World Section
Capital City
Time Zone


How To Download Website For Offline Use

This is a full free open source software i recommended you to download web pages for offline use and then use in any computer and move anywhere you want.if you’re looking to make a complete offline version of your favorite website – not an individual web page, an entire web site – it’s one of the simplest options out there.

Download HTTrack Website Copier

download this 4 mb software for free and use for download website in offline use. this is simple and easy to use software just dlaod and install in your computer or lappi and then you just need to download website one time and then you can use any time any where you want.

How It Works

After download install any where you want then you need internet connection for one ime download website. opne HTTrack software and then you will see window like.

%SEO friendly image.jpeg How To Download Website For Offline Use

Fill any name from you want to save project to open in future,select any category and then if you want to change path or save in default path. after that click next

then you will see this window add url of that website like if you want to browse this website then enter http://websit.com then next and it will start the downloading of website and after download you can browse entire website without internet connection and move in any computer in pen drive etc.


1.)Disabling used software while booting of Computer

When we Start our Computer our Operating System (often Called OS) start booting and while OS booting some software's also get started when the PC get ready to use.We can increase Boot time by Disabling some software's which get Started while Booting Process.

How to do this:-

Press Start->Run or simply Press Windows Key+R then Type "msconfig" (without Qoutes ") and press enter.
Now there will be System Configuration Dialog Box opened.Go to Start-up Tab (4th tab). Here you will be seeing the list of software's which start while get's boot or simply called Start-up items.These are all the Programs thatautomatically start when you boot our system.It is these that slow down the boot up process.
So from this you can uncheck all unwanted items like MS-office,messenger and other utilites that you don't need at the time of starting up of your System.Don't Uncheck the antivirus and Drivers Software.
 After that just click on OK and Restart your System and fell the change

 2.)Boot Defragment

A great feature in Microsoft Windows XP is the ability to do a boot defragment. This places all boot files next to each other on the disk to allow for faster booting. By default this option is enabled, but on some systems it is not, so below is the information on how to turn it on:-
Go to Start Menu and Click Run
Type in regedit then click ok
Find "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOpt imizeFunction"
Select "Enable" from the list on the right
Right on it and select "Modify"
Change the value to Y .

 Reboot your Pc and see the change yourself. 



 You may have tried many tweaks like modifying windows XP start-up applications, pref-etches, unload DLLs method, etc. And yes those methods do work for me.
I have just accidentally found out another way to give you an extra boost in windows XP's boot performance. This is done by disabling your unused devices in Device Manager. for example, if you don't have input devices that are connected to one of your USB's or COM ports, disabling them will give you an extra performance boost in booting. 

 How to do it:-

Go to Control Panel -> System -> Hardware tab -> device manager Disable devices that you don't use for your PC and then restart.
