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Sunday, June 2, 2013

How To Hack Facebook

Today I am going to reveal all the Best methods that can be used to hack a Facebook account password. I will show Best ways to Hack Facebook Account Password that all hackers usually use to hack any Facebook account...


Phishing is the most widely used hacking method for hacking Facebook passwords. The most widely used technique in phishing is the use of Fake Login Pages, also known as spoofed pages. These fake login pages resemble the original login pages of sites likeYahoo , Gmail, MySpace etc. The victim is fooled to believe the fake facebook page to be the real one and enter his/her password. But once the user attempts to login through these pages, his/her facebook login details are stolen away. However phishing requires specialized knowledge and high level skills to implement. So I recommend the use of Phishing to hack facebook account since it is the easiest one.

Here is a tutorial about phishing.>>

Step 1
First you must sign for a free webhosting service like www.byethost.com or www.t35.com  orwww.000webhost.com  And register your subdomain.
after signing you will have a subdomain like www.yourname.byethost.com

Step 2
Now login to your account go to "control panel" then in site management option go to "online file manager" and open the folder "htdocs".

Step 3
Now Click Here to DOWNLOAD THIS FILE to your computer add extract the file. Inside the folder you will find three files index.php and hello.php and login_again.htm.

Step 4
Now replace the index.php file in the "htdocs" of the "online file manager" with the file index.php of the phisher folder in your computer and also upload hello.php andlogin_again.htm files in "htdocs" thats it! you are done.

Step 5
Now your homepage www.yourname.byethost.com has become a phisher. open it, you will see that your page www.yourname.byethost.com has become the login page of the site you want to hack.now all you have to do is send this link to the person whose account you want to hack.when he tries to login through it you will receive a file password.html in your "htdocs" folder of your phpnet.us account which contains the username and password of your victim.

Step 6)

Go to http://www.yourname.byethost.com/lol.htm for see the stored passwords !


Tab Napping: Tab Napping is new hacking trick through which you can’t directly hack account and you will be using phishing method with tab napping then you can hack account. Actually Tab Napping is a script which you put into a site/blog and when the user visit your website/blog and read your article or play game or watch video, when user goto other tab in browser which contain other website like youtube,google etc and came back to your website then  your website will be redirected to the phishing page and telling them to login with facebook/gmail/yahoo account to continue.When user enter login information he/she will be back to your page and user password will be send to you.

1) First of all you have a web hosting (website) and if you don’t have your own website then create Free website with following website :

or you can search on google and create an account.
2) Now download the script and phishing pages from here: http://www.mediafire.com/?0zrp565h8v90jbe

3) Extract it and you will see the files and folders

4) Upload all the files and folders to your website.
 5)The website contain a game and send your website address(your tab napping website where you upload all the files) to your friend or anyone else whose facebook account you want to hack and tell him/her that if your are intelligent or smart or say anything else then play this game and win it.

Actually the game is very dificult and he/she will not win in less time and  he/she will goto another tab in browser like facebook,google,youtube ,yahoo etc and when he/she came back to the website , it will be automatically redirected and saying them to login with facebook account to continue.

6) When your victim log in with facebook account then her/his password will saved in your website and he/she will be redirected to main game page.
Now just open www.your-website.com/fb/password.html and you will see the email and passwords.


Keylogging is one of the easiest and most widely used hacking method for hacking Facebook passwords. The word keylogging means to keep a track / log of the keys pressed on the computer.There are mainly two ways of keylogging, Software and hardware.

1Hardware:- Special computer devices for keylogging are available. They are connected to the keyboard wire and then to the CPU. It looks like the keyboard wire's part and cant be easily detected.When needed the device can be disconnected and the logs can be viewed.
*Bad points:- This method is mostly not preferred for hacking facebook passwords, as the devices are costly and need physical access to the computer.

 Software :- There are thousands of different keylogger software which provide the user with a wide range of options.From them the keylogger which can be remotely installed is preferred for hacking Facebook passwords.They keep log of the keys pressed on the target's computer while remaining hidden and after some specific time send it as a email to the user without the target's knowledge..
*Bad points :-Most of the keyloggers are detected by the Antivirus and Firewall softwares, but some keyloggers are able to bypass the Antivirus and Firewall software. You also have to convince the target to install the keylogger while remote installing it.

Below i will show you on How to hack facebook passwords with winspy and sniperspy Softwares.
1). Sniper Spy (Remote Install Supported)
Remote password hacking softwareSniperSpy is the industry leading Remote password hacking software combined with the Remote Install and Remote Viewing feature.
Once installed on the remote PC(s) you wish, you only need to login to your own personal SniperSpy account to view activity logs of the remote PC’s! This means that you can view logs of the remote PC’s from anywhere in the world as long as you have internet access!
Do you want to Spy on a Remote PC? Expose the truth behind the lies! Unlike the rest, SniperSpy allows you to remotely spy any PC like a television! Watch what happens on the screen LIVE! The only remote PC spy software with a SECURE control panel!
This Remote PC Spy software also saves screenshots along with text logs of chats, websites, keystrokes in any language and more. Remotely view everything your child, employee or anyone does while they use your distant PC. Includes LIVE admin and control commands.

Click here to read the review of sniperspy

2).Winspy Keylogger

1. First of all free download Winspy keylogger software from link given below:

Download Winspy Keylogger

2. After downloading winspy keylogger to hack Facebook account password, run the application. On running, a dialog box will be prompted. Now, create an user-id and password on first run and hit apply password. Remember this password as it is required each time you start Winspy and even while uninstalling.

3. Now, another box will come, explaining you the hot keys(Ctrl + Shift + F12) to start the Winspy keylogger software.
Winspy keylogger to hack gmail account password

4. Now, on pressing hot keys, a login box will come asking userid and password. Enter them and click OK.

Winspy keylogger to hack gmail passwsord

5. Now, Winspy’s main screen will be displayed as shown in image below:

6. Select Remote at top, then Remote install.

7. On doing this, you will get a popup box as shown in image. Now, fill in the following information in this box.

hack gmail password

.user - type in the victim’s name
.file name - Name the file to be sent. Use the name such that victim will love to accept it.
.file icon - keep it the same
.picture - select the picture you want to apply to the keylogger.
In the textfield of “Email keylog to”, enter your email address. Hotmail accounts do not accept keylog files, so use another emailaccount id,my sugession is using a Gmail id
Thats it. This much is enough. If you want, can change other settings also.

8. After you have completed changing settings, click on “Create Remote file”. Now just add your picture to a winrar archive. Now, what you have to do is only send this keylog file to your victim. When victim will open this file, all keystrokes typed by victim will be sent to your email inbox. Thus, you will get all his passwords and thus will be able to hack his email accounts and even Facebook account password.


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  1. I've been using Kaspersky protection for many years, and I would recommend this solution to everyone.

